27 Juli 2009

Some Thoughts...

  1. Browsing is boring after a while. Reading is never.
  2. Where's the line between friends, bestfriends, occasional friends, and the other kind of friends? Is there a line anyway?
  3. We're not that different with our parents anyway, not sure if that's genetic or because we live with them.
  4. I'm going to visit some places around the world, that's the most clear purpose of my life now.
  5. Things I have or not, I need or not, I wish or not.
  6. How is it feel like to love something like there's nothing else?
  7. Idea of love VS how to love. It's a life lesson.
  8. Present? Past? Future? Circle back and forward, then back again.

1 komentar:

dian rose mengatakan...

mellownya ketularan yah?